전체 메뉴 닫기
Search for bus number, name of the bus
stop and bus stop number at once.
검색어 입력폼
Information on the use of
the Gyeonggi bus information system
The information provided by the Gyeonggi bus information system may differ from the actual situation depending on the traffic and bus operation situation and the time of information change, and the expected arrival time may differ from the actual arrival time as prediction information.
※ The last bus time can be adjusted depending on the traffic conditions and demand.
※ Scope of service: City and intercity buses operating in Gyeonggi Province (partial)
How to use unified search
① You can search for the bus number and the bus stop number at once.
② Search results are classified into buses and stops, and you can select the desired item.

    Bus stop categories

    상행 정류소하행 정류소Up and downbound on roadside

    상행 정류소하행 정류소Up and downbound on the center

    지도 축척 :

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